Our Values

The 10 Workplace Values”

The Clean Team Workforce was founded in 2008 on 10 workplace values. It is our belief that if our employees learn and apply these 10 values, they will be successful not only in the workplace, but in life.

1. Prompt.

  • get to work or jobsite on time

  • get back to work on time from breaks, lunch

  • after work, leave promptly (don’t hang around)

2. Ready to work.

  • eat the first meal of the day BEFORE you arrive at work

  • in uniform with any tools needed for the day

  • already having used the “bathroom”

  • not needing a smoke break, etc.

3. Safe.

  • do not even risk an injury – be smart, sensible

  • you could be injured or killed by not working safely

  • you could injure someone else

  • employers love safe (and productive) workers

  • a workplace injury costs the employer a lot of money

  • you will lose paid time if injured, and workers comp. will not cover it all

4. Attentive.

  • listen to instructions.

  • write notes in a 3x5 notebook if necessary

  • give your full attention to the supervisor, because it’s the right thing to do, and you are being paid to do that while on the job

5. Cooperative.

  • getting along productively with supervisors, co-workers, and customers

  • have a pleasant, welcoming attitude and demeanor

  • be a worker people can count on to help out and do good things

  • pitch in, and don’t say “It’s not my job”

6. Diligent.

  • follow company policies and rules

  • ask proper questions – if you don’t know something, ask – don’t guess!

  • care about doing it right

  • keep your personal life away from work (for example, avoid asking for pay advances, loans, special days off, and schedule changes to accommodate your personal life)

7. Productive.

  • be a “team player”

  • contribute to meeting production quotas or job deadlines

  • don’t waste time or materials

  • focus your time and efforts on doing your job, not personal stuff

8. Trustworthy.

  • be dependable – if you say you will do it, DO IT! (personal integrity)

  • be honest - don’t steal company supplies, cheat on your punch in or out times

  • speak the truth always

9. Flexible.

  • things change fast in this economy – adapt with the company’s needs!

  • be willing to change jobs within the company, change shifts, and work on new projects/products

  • do not be unwilling to change because you view your job as a right, or as “yours” or “your territory”

10. Grateful.

  • be thankful that you have a job

  • be someone with a positive attitude and demeanor

  • do not be someone who gripes or complains all the time